Cada semana, los jueves, bajo la sombra del Padre Teide, en el corazón del Norte de Tenerife, conversaremos desde las oficinas de Kikazaru 360 con una persona especial, un artista espectacular o un profesional de larga trayectoria. Realizaremos entrevistas enfocadas a conocer más sobre el arte, la cultura, el cine, el teatro, el mundo del […]

Kikazaru 360 produce «Sombras en la meta»

Kikazaru 360 presenta “SOMBRAS EN LA META” un cortometraje protagonizado por la actriz canaria Yaiza Guimaré, y basado en la obra homónima del escritor francés Pascal Buniet. La productora audiovisual canaria Kikazaru 360 está realizando un espectacular cortometraje con la actriz grancanaria Yaiza Guimaré (“Hierro”, “Élite”) llamado “SOMBRAS EN LA META”. Un thriller policíaco basado […]

¿Por qué tu empresa debe tener un vídeo corporativo?

Si quieres dar a conocer tu empresa y transmitir un mensaje claro, la forma más sencilla y efectiva de hacerlo es con un vídeo corporativo. Realizando un buen vídeo de presentación se crea un grandísimo impacto en el usuario, además de generar confianza con el público objetivo. Debemos aprovechar las nuevas posibilidades que nos ofrece […]

Nu Boyana Films Studio decides to stay in Tenerife

The production company Nu Boyana Films Studio, subsidiary of Millennium Films one of the biggest production company from Hollywood and the one with the most relevance on indie movies, has decided to open a permanet office in Tenerife, specifically on the capital of the island. The producer its going to record in the island some […]


Yesterday, it was confirmed Paz Vega will have a role in Rambo V, filming soon in Tenerife. The spanish actress will play a mexican journalist who covers the mexican drugs trade and who will join Rambo after the cartel kills her half-sister. After knowing her in spanish tv shows such as Menudo es mi padre, […]


Because of the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival there’s a lot of cinema celebrities walking over the red carpets around the city this week. Tilda Swinton, Nicholas Cage, Ron Perlman, Pam Grier… All of them, great personalities to write big monographics about. But today we’re looking for someone less visible. A name maybe well-known by […]


The World is full of great creativity and artistic awareness people. It’s probably your case. If you’re on your creative way as an audiovisual artist and you’re looking the way to make your work known, Kikazaru 360 wants to be your work’s network promotion platform. Mail us your artistic video works -using wetransfer- and you’ll […]


Canary Islands are still on trend for Hollywood’s blockbusters. The islands’ tax benefits and its extraordinary and variety of landscapes have been an attractive lure for the US big producers over the last years. Films as Bourne, In the heart of the sea, Fast&Furious 6 or the Wrath of the Titans saga had chosen the […]

Ron Howard’s signature takes Canary Islands to the big screen

This weekend, we could see on cinemas “Solo, a Star Wars story”. A story that has been shooted, partially, in Canary Islands. It has been Fuerteventura, specifically Pájara, the place that has been turn into a part of the most famous universe of the cinema history. Directed by Ron Howard, this is not the first […]

¡ Obtén un 10% de descuento en tu primer vídeo !

Eres un cliente nuevo y queremos darte la bienvenida con una oferta especial. Contrata tu primera producción audiovisual con nosotros y disfruta de un 10% de descuento. ¡No dejes pasar esta oportunidad para darle vida a tus ideas!