Solo, the real story of Álvaro Vizcaíno

The last weekend was premiered the movie Solo, directed by Hugo Stuven and starred by Alain Hernández and Aura Garrido. The movie tells the story of Álvaro Vizcaíno, a surfer that, walking by the coast of Fuerteventura, slipped down a cliff and he was injured, aisled and alone, for 48 hours on a little creek of the island until he was rescued.

A story that looks like a movie, but is a real story. In September of 2014, the surfer Álvaro Vizcaíno, from Madrid but who has living on Fuerteventura from years ago, decided to go for a walk alone and, while he was walking, he slipped down a cliff. He couldn’t grab on anything and, after a while, the forces failed him and he fell. The fall was not clean. Two fractures in the pelvis, an open wound on the left arm, a strong hit on the hip and a lot of many little wounds in the rest of the body.

The thinking of Álvaro, as he has told himself, was that he was going to die. His swimsuit has been broken, and he saw himself alone and injured on the sea. He moved like he could to a close sand cala, from he tried to organize his own mind and seeing how to escape from there. He found a water bottle that the sea has left on the coast and it avoid that he dehydrate. He also found a boogie, but he didn’t know what to do.

He lived moment of despair until, two days later, with the open wounds hurting, unable to walk and with a practically unused hand, he saw a boat next to the coast. He knew that couldn’t hear him, but he took the boogie and he tried to swim towards them. He sculled for an hour because, if he didn’t do it, he will be dead.

And after all, they saw him, someone jumped in the water, and shortly after the helicopter picked up him.

A story of survival that the movie Solo tells. A story of despair, agony and life that take us beyond those 48 hours, for doing us to ponder about what is on our minds, what we feel and what things we should change.


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C/ Doctor Pérez, 5 Santa Úrsula, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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