ROLLFESTIVAL, extreme sports like an audiovisual festival

In September, on Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, it will be inaugurated the new ROLLFESTIVAL, an audiovisual festival of extreme sports that wants to be a diffuser of audiovisual creations vinculated to the most extreme sport practices.

In full promotion and with the inscriptions still open, ROLLFESTIVAL will be celebrated outdoor. In the conditions of participation, it is basic that the audiovisual works treat related themes to the extreme sports, and it may be presented works made in any place or time. The deadline for delivery is August 20th at 14h, just a few weeks before the celebration of the festival.

For now, the organization is on the pursuit of sponsors, but is already known the name of some guests that wouldn’t miss the date. Amaury Lavernhe, twice champion of the world of bodyboard, will be one of them. Also Mikael Helsing, sport photographer, will show 100 tricks for outdoor photography.

The bases of the festival can be found on the web, and also the inscriptions for the audiovisual works, prepared through an online platform.


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C/ Doctor Pérez, 5 Santa Úrsula, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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