Isla Calavera celebrates a special edition on La Palma

The especial edition of the Fantastic Cinema Festival Isla Calavera was presented this week on the Teatro Chico of Santa Cruz de La Palma, where it will move on 21st and 22nd of September.

At this time, it will have the presence of Colin Arthur, responsible of special effects and make up of movies like “The Neverending Story”, mythical movie directed by Wolfgang Petersen that will be one of the movies that will be proyected.

This festival, directed by Daniel Fumero and Ramón González Trujillo, and coordinated by Patricio Ducha, celebrated this special edition after it was born on Santa Cruz de Tenerife on last November. Last year it has a successful premiere enjoyed by more than 2000 people, on five days where were projected 15 short films and 15 long films, and were offered different parallel activities.

Besides this special edition on La Palma, it will be celebrated the second edition on Tenerife with headquarters on Multicines Tenerife, where the festival was born. This time, it will be celebrated from 21st to 25th November.

With the support for the City Hall of Santa Cruz de La Palma, it also has the support of the Diario de Avisos Foundation, and it’s organized by the cultural associations Charlas de Cine and Isla Calavera, the specialized publication and Multicines Tenerife.

Colin Arthur, the invited one on La Palma, will come accompanied by his collaborator, Sarah Pooley. He was the responsible of special effects and makeup of the movie “The Neverending Story” that will be projected on La Palma and he will be on the dialogues that will be stablished with the movie. This master of the effects was initiated on 1968 realizing the masks of the simians for “2001, A Space Odyssey”, and has a large trajectory inside science fiction cinema. “The Shining”, “Alien” or “Empire of the sun”, are some of the titles that are part of his filmography.


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