2018 Highest Grossing Movies

2018 is over and now we can know the highest grossing films of the year. This year has been consecrated as the superheroes year films, and there are 6 movies within the top 10, taking Disney as the companies that has devastated with the data in ticket office. The list of the 10 films with […]

Classic Christmas Movies

It’s the time of the year to remember. It´s time to remember those old friendships from our youth, our best passages during our childhood, but also those films which have become unforgettable. Those films that we would like to see again, well wrapped and with a bowl of pop-corns, laying in our sofá. Today we’re […]


[et_pb_section bb_built=»1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=»4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=»3.0.92″ background_layout=»light»] London, like every big city, and one of the most important in the world, has hosted a large number of productions that have increased the magic and fame of the city. Some of the movies that help to build his legend are: [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=»4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=»James Bond» _builder_version=»3.0.92″ background_layout=»light»] James Bond, […]

Nu Boyana Films Studio decides to stay in Tenerife

The production company Nu Boyana Films Studio, subsidiary of Millennium Films one of the biggest production company from Hollywood and the one with the most relevance on indie movies, has decided to open a permanet office in Tenerife, specifically on the capital of the island. The producer its going to record in the island some […]

A new edition of the Online Video Forum & Payment Televisions arrives

The past october 30 was the IV edition of the Online Video Forum and the II Pay Tv Forum. This fórum was created by La Publicidad, a specialized publication on news about Advertising, Comercial Communication and Marketing. Meeting point for professionals of the Online Video The event, placed on Callao City LIghts, was a meeting […]

Fantastic cinema comes back to Tenerife for the second edition of Isla Calavera

The Fantastic Film Festival from Canary Islands, Isla Calavera, is going to be the next month, on november between days 19 and 25 in the Multicines Tenerife, on Alcampo shopping center, La laguna. The festival was officially presented the past october 18 on the governing body of Tenerife. The festival will honor differents actors, reference […]

The casting for Rambo V begins

We already know that Stallone has decides to get again in the skin of Rambo in her 70´s. This will be the fifth time he plays the action hero for a movie. We also know that one of the chosen location for film the movie, with London and Bulgaria, was the Canary Islands, specifically Tenerife, […]


Yesterday, it was confirmed Paz Vega will have a role in Rambo V, filming soon in Tenerife. The spanish actress will play a mexican journalist who covers the mexican drugs trade and who will join Rambo after the cartel kills her half-sister. After knowing her in spanish tv shows such as Menudo es mi padre, […]


Because of the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival there’s a lot of cinema celebrities walking over the red carpets around the city this week. Tilda Swinton, Nicholas Cage, Ron Perlman, Pam Grier… All of them, great personalities to write big monographics about. But today we’re looking for someone less visible. A name maybe well-known by […]


Today, one of the most important cinema festivals in Spain starts: Sitges International Fantastic Film Festivalstarts. From today to Octobre the 14th, the city’s pictures theatres will show the chosen films on their corresponding sections for the enjoyment of the spectators. The jury, formed by the spanish actress Carolina Bang, the writer, scientific journalist and […]

C/ Doctor Pérez, 5 Santa Úrsula, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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