Cinema as a didactic tool
Cinedfest is the Educational Festival of the Canarian Cinema that combines Audiovisual Formation and a Short Films Festival made by students. Organized by the Canarian Government and the inter-island council
Cinedfest is the Educational Festival of the Canarian Cinema that combines Audiovisual Formation and a Short Films Festival made by students. Organized by the Canarian Government and the inter-island council
Cinedfest es el Festival Educativo de Cine de Canarias que combina Formación Audiovisual y un Festival de Cortometrajes realizados por alumnos. Organizado por el Gobierno de Canarias y los cabildos
This week was introduced the new canary delegation of Women Association of Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media (CIMA), that stands up for increasing the presence of women on the audiovisual sector,
Esta semana se ha presentado la nueva delegación canaria de la Asociación de Mujeres Cineastas y Medios Audiovisuales (CIMA), que aboga por incrementar la presencia de las mujeres en el
The canary stamp will be present on the animation market MIFA, parallel meeting to the International Film Festival of Annecy, in France. The Canary Island Film, that represents the private
El sello canario estará presente en el mercado de animación MIFA, encuentro paralelo al Festival Internacional de Cine de Animación de Annecy, en Francia. La Canary Island Film, que representa
He is from Tenerife, voice actor, and he has a trayectory inside cinema and TV that would impress more than one. With this information, there aren’t many people that could
Es tinerfeño, actor de doblaje y tiene una trayectoria dentro del cine y la televisión que impresionaría a más de uno. Con estos datos, pocos pueden ser, pero si decimos
Between 2014 and 2016 was filmed on Canary Islands the cinematic documentary “The Canary Islands – World of the Fire Mountains”, directed by Michael Schlamberger. The film’s plot shows the
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